These last few weeks of spring have been so sweet. On our walks during the day we see other folks walking around with babies or tots- we share a smile that reveals that we know each other's secret. We know the good life- and if everyone else found out...well, there just might not be anybody working. It feel naughty in a way to be so relaxed, spending countless hours just BEing.
We sit outside for long spells, just looking at the trees contrasting the blue(!!) sky. She seems to be noticing colors now, captivated by magentas and chartreuses. As we walk, we will stop to take in the brilliance of the colors and to sniff each flower. I don't know if she is really smelling the flowers, but I love to think that she is.
Uma is a full-fledge baby now- there's nothing "infanty" about her- in fact, with all that hair and chub, she almost seems like a toddler. She's a powerhouse- a butterball with a solid core- she does pilates all day long, every movement initiated from her center.
She's as big as kids several months older than her.
She is a hoot. She has tons of different sounds to help express herself. She cooos, goos, razzes, and squeals in delight. She does all of this while blowing beautiful spit bubbles. The last few afternoons, she has spent almost an hour engaged un this babybabble.
She also may be either developing or imitating my laugh. I only know if a few others who have my laugh- most notably Ernie from Sesame Street- its the guttural kkkkcckcckss.
Not my most flattering characteristic to emulate but...I'll take whatever I can get.
Uma is smiling SO much now! She definitely recognizes both Shannon and Meshi, and of course her mama too. Upon recognition, she will flash the most addictive smile- once you get a taste of it, you just trying to get more and more. My favorite is when she is "on the boob" and she pauses to shine me a smile.
Being a mama has continued to be a delight. To be in service to such an angel is such a sweet existence. So far, we have been apart from each other for four 2-hour periods. I was a wreck at the end of each separation. It makes me aware of how we are one organism. She's literally a part of my body, it's like leaving home without my big toe or my liver. The anxiety it fills me with is unparalleled (save for a couple of harrowing times in my travels). I am starting to contemplate the deep pain all mothers endure when they have to let their children go.
I think that if we could bottle the love a mother has for her child, we could probably save the world. It amazes me to think that we were all once loved like that. That this ability to love is encoded in our genes for our survival makes me an optimist about our species.
It seems pretty hard to be a mother and not be an optimist about our world and our future.
I have so much gratitude that we have the privilege of just hanging out and contemplating our navels. I give thanks for all the time I've spent in silence, I feel like it's prepared me for the simple joys of everyday life that we are experiencing. Just being in the moment, living for the day, taking everything in.