This last week, baby Uma was on her first camping trip to a traditional Lakota Sundance ceremony. She was there last year in utero (and for years before that in my prayers), but this year she was a dancing and singing participant.
What a trooper she was!
She spent about 10-12 hours a day in the shade arbor to support the dancers. Although the evenings are usually the chattiest hours for Uma (our little nightingale), at the dance she babbled incessantly throughout the day.
DADADA DADADAAAAAA badabalala and tons of rapberries, farting noises, and dolphin squeals.
She loved the singing and the drums- she would nap as we all danced and sang the rounds but as soon as a round was over and it was prayerful and peaceful, she would begin the Uma show. She is such a ham.
It was a riot. Her timing is impeccable.
If she wasn't so damn cute, I would have been really embarrassed. I was a bit worried that her din might distract the dancers, but apparently they loved hearing her joyful noises.
She was the belle of the ball, she was showered in attention there, it was ridiculus. Her fan club is now in the hundreds at least. I swear it's part of her destiny to spead love, joy, and beauty.
I brought her into the sweat lodge for a "brush-off" cleanse and she greeted each woman as they entered with a dadaaddaadaaa.We were in stitches. When we closed the doors and began the sweat, I just shoved her on the boob so that the elder pouring the water could be heard.
On the last day, a native grandma was holding her and Uma was pounding away on her drum. It was such a sight- she was literally singing and drumming at 5 and a half months.
In camp she was a rolling wonder.
She mastered the skill several months back but now she's doing 360s and really going for it. As soon as she's put on her back, she'll start and in a minute she'll be across the floor from rolling and scooting. She is really ready to crawl as well. On her tummy she's wiggling her butt in the air and trying to get her knees under her. As she is a MAJOR wiggle worm and crazy bouncer, I imagine we will both be quite busy very soon.
Next week we get weighed in at the naturopath for her 6 month appointment. I'm guessing she's a good 22-23 pounds after carrying her this last week for huge stretches of time. She has just passed a threshhold where she is a bit uncomfortable to carry for very long periods.However, I know I will always cherish these days when I can just tote her along and smoosh on her all day so I'm not complaining.