Uma is 6 and a half months old now and her growth is unbelievable.
She is not only HUGE for her age, she is also so aware, alert, engaged, and energetic! At her 6 month check up she was 29 inches and 22 pounds. She has tripled her weight since birth and she is larger than some 2 year olds that we know. She's a brickhouse! A solid powerhouse of giggles and bounces. In fact, she is on her own unique growth curve that more resembles a straight projectory rather than a curve. She is off the charts at about 110th percentile.
You go girl! She's already anti-establishment.
((This fits right into my plans of raising the next female revolutionary.))
That all said, I am now ready for her to stop this crazy growing stuff. At first, it was so exciting for her to grow with such rapidity but now I want her to stop. It's all happening too fast. I want her to stay this exact size forever, or at least a month or two. Carrying her around all day is like trekking in Nepal everyday. I feel like I'm always on a hike carrying a month's worth of supplies.
I have been caught completely off guard by all of the recent changes in her behavior as well. As of the last few weeks, she is now grabbing EVERYthing in sight (and putting whatever it is directly in her mouth). This stage, of course, will last for the next five or so years. The stage where I have to watch her like a hawk and be vigilant in making sure she doesn't poison or impale herself.
She is doing a commando-like scoot that propels her forward as of yesterday. The last few weeks she has been rolling all around and scooting backwards but now she has figured out how to go forward.
She is so VERY interested in food that it is helping her develop her crawling skills. She will see a bowl of (someone else's) food and propel herself into it. With a few grunts and a wiggle of her tail, she's there. It will be only a few more weeks until she is truly crawling. It makes me simutaneously very excited and scared shitless.
Uma isn't officially eating food, so she is absolutely fascinated by everything that goes in other's mouths. She watches as she sees others enjoy food and it making her incredibly jealous. I had been advised not to start food until she has teeth, and so far she is still all gums. I've given her small tastes of avacado, peaches, nectarines, carrots and sweet potatoes but now it's time to start truly feeding her with some regularity. As we will start school in a month, it will help with the transition if she can eat food when I'm not around ((sniff))))).
Other milestones worth mentioning... ***Uma loves the cats and she french-kissed Ned, the Jackapoo dog (ew!!) ***Uma adores other babies and kids. She reaches out to them and squeals with delight. ***Uma says HHHaaaaaaiii appropriately like "hi!" (she's done this for months now and I truly thinks she knows she's saying hello because we always respond with a HI! back). ***Uma loves books, magazines, and any kind of print media. This makes reading a bit of a challenge for me as you could imagine. *** Uma loves sucking on my nose. She also sucks on Shannon's cheek with glee. I think it's her way of kissing. It's crazy cute and maybe a little gross. ***Uma loves her tambourine- she drums on it with absolute delight. ***She really resembles Krusty the Klown with her crazy hairdo.