The life and times of Ms Uma Moses Annabelle Kucera, gracing this planet since 2-2-2006.

September 16, 2006

Back to school

This last week was our first official week back to school. It was a week of heartbreak and tears for Ms. Uma and I. She has been exclusively taken care of by Shannon and other friends in the past.
Last week was her first time staying with a "stranger".
The stranger was a girl I hired to be our school nanny and poor Uma was NOT HAPPY about being left with her.

It turned out that the nanny was not happy about being left with a crying baby and so now we have no nanny.
We'll figure it out, of course. Who knew sweet lil angel Uma could scare off a nanny like that?
It made me so sad to leave little muffinface crying her eyes out.
Like a dagger through the heart.

That all said, no one said the first weeks back to work were easy for anyone. Lucky for me, my class seems to be pretty darn wonderful. It's likely the "honeymoon period", but I sure do like those kids a lot. A good bunch of eggs.

I realize that if I don't consciously stay incredibly positive about the whole deal, then I might as well forget it. I have to have a great attitude if I'm going to survive.

Uma is developing quite a personality. She is very willful, totally driven. There are certain items that she adores and must have within moments of seeing them; my cell phone, my keys, my glasses, any water bottle or glass, and the computer keyboard. None of these items are ideal for sticking in one's mouth and drenching in slobber, but Uma just finds these things irresistible.

I love that she knows exactly what she wants and really goes for it, however her fire is formidable. I sometimes feel like I'm getting a taste of what the twos or the teen years might hold and I am humbled.

She is talking up a storm! She has been doing baba and dada (the art movement) for months now but now she is saying mama all day long (not exactly to me but it's still heartwarming:)

She tries to say "kittycat" whenever she sees a cat, it comes out "kkkktttt" like a whisper and it's incredibly sweet. One night a few weeks back, she whisoerd "kittycat" clear as a bell in the middle of the night. It might have been a dream but it certainly was lucid.
She also says"dg" for dog.
She loves animals, apparently.

Last week, she started waving.
It seemed like an accident that stuck. I guess most things are that way, really. She waved and said "Hiiii" and everyone around gasped and applauded. Since then, she waves all day. It's reminiscent of a flamenco dancer. She twists her wrist and waves at just about everything. The other day, I swear she said "bye" and waved too. Of course, no one else was there to witness that.

Although Uma loves to chatter away, she also loves good, old-fashioned screeching. I guess you could call it screaming, but it's all in pleasure. This one is so happy to be alive.

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