The life and times of Ms Uma Moses Annabelle Kucera, gracing this planet since 2-2-2006.

November 3, 2006

uma's first iMovie

Uma is nine months old! She is a toothless wonderkid. She is such a hoot. Our in-school nanny situation is working wonderfully now, she loves all the attention she gets from the hundreds of kids and adults at the school. She also just loves her baby friends so much.
Below is our first i-movie. I am publishing it although it is definitley imperfect and filled with flaws. I figured that this way, when I become a video wiz, you will be able to see my humble beginnings. (Anyone want to donate a video camera to my cause?)

The movie is about 6 minutes, and it is filled with cheeks, drool, blabbering, crawling, and halloween costumes too. I probably could have clipped it in parts, but if you have never met Uma, you can just soak in her yumminess. If you
have met Uma, you'll probably endure it anyhow... After you watch the clip, check out "afro-czech sound system" post I made in June to contrast her waking up style and hair growth!


albinoblackbird said...

hi ! nanny lee back from nyc. i'll be over this weekend to squeeze ya! you cute girl! nice music mama claire lovin' it ! ! ! xoxoxoxoxo jl

Anonymous said...

Loved that! What precious beings you both are! I am smiling big. :)

Rob said...

that uma is such a bright spot! movies of sweet babies set to sweet music makes me cry these days. must be the mama in me. I love the pictures of you two on Halloween, you are just smiling love to that girl.