The life and times of Ms Uma Moses Annabelle Kucera, gracing this planet since 2-2-2006.

March 30, 2006

8 weeks and cooing

It's been 8 amazing weeks hanging out with Miss Uma and we're loving every minute of it. She's weighing in now at 13 pounds- a chunky monkey!
She has at least five chins.
Her naturopath said that she was so strong she could be a power-lifter!
She can do a full cobra pose now- her neck and back are so developed.
Just a couple of days ago she started to make new sounds- a bit more variety than her usual repertoire of grunts and moans.
Some of the noises actually sound happy(!!)
This is fitting as now Uma is now super smiley and will even make eye contact and smile right at you! I just melt when she pulls out those dimples.
For a while it seemed that instead of making eye contact,
she would check out people's auras :)
But now, especially in the morning, she is quite engaging.
I have to peel my eyes open at dawn to catch her ebullience.
I catch her throwing big smiles to strangers, the bathroom wall, you name it-
she's quite the flirt.
We have days of the all-day all*you*can*eat*buffet,
fulls days of pure napland, and other days that seem to have a rhythm of the two
(the nip and nap or the bed and breakfast).
So far, all I have figured out is that any time I seem
to have figured out a schedule or habits- it shifts.
Being a mother has been wonderful.
I feel so many of the cliched hallmark sentiments.
The one I feel most often is a strong humbling
that she chose me to raise her and she trusts me with her life. It's such an honor.
I continue viewing the world with "mommy-goggles".
I've decided that the world can be divided into two camps of people-
those who stop to let a mother/baby cross the street and those who don't.
It seems that people are either hyper-aware of us or totally unaware.
Perhaps this seems judgmental but there it is.
Motherhood also seems to be the only natural activity that develops the triceps.
I'm using muscles I never knew I had!
My ambi-dexterity is also developing at record speeds.
I can do almost everything one-handed now, tweaking my body is very strange angles to accomplish basic tasks with baby in arms.
Our life together has been so sweet and simple.
We get to see new flowers bloom everyday here in Portland.
We have blossoming euphorbias, plum blossoms, daphne, tulips, magnolias, trilliums...and the trees are all starting to get their lime green baby leaves.
So precious to watch it all unfold.

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